Project by Numbers


About 30 trainings are planned to enhance the knowledge of SMEs, entrepreneurs, and stakeholders within the automative and machinery industries.

5 EU Project Application Trainings are being executed to raise awareness among SMEs about the numerous opportunities offered by EU funding programs. Some of these trainings have already been delivered, namely;

  • Fundamental Trainings for EU Framework Programmes Applications
    • Project Preparation Training
    • Consortium Building and Consortium Management Training
    • Horizon Europe Project Drafting Training
    • Horizon Europe Project Budgeting Training

4 SME Training are designed specifically for companies to enhance their skills, knowledge, and competitiveness in areas such as business management, technology adoption, or market expansion.

EU Projects

Mobilizing Advanced Partnerships for Digital Innovation and Transformation (MAPIT) Project:

General Information:

  • Action Type: HORIZON-CSA
  • Duration: 24 months
  • Keywords: Digital transition, Conversational AI, Innovation Centres, R&I ecosystems, RMA training

MAPIT addresses the challenges faced by innovative SMEs and start-ups in widening countries during Europe’s digital transformation. It aims to connect these entities with research institutions and R&I networks to foster inclusion and collaboration. The project will enhance participation in Horizon Europe by establishing digital innovation centers in Türkiye and Estonia, promoting university-industry partnerships.

Participating Organizations:

  • IZTECH – Izmir Institute of Technology (TR) – Coordinator
  • SHU – Stichting Hogeschool Utrecht (NL) – WP2 Lead
  • WEG – Weglobal Danismanlik Anonim Sirketi (TR) – WP3 Lead
  • HÉTFA – Hetfa Kutatointezet Kft (HU) – WP4 Lead
  • KTO – Karatay University (TR) – WP5 Lead
  • METU – Middle East Technical University (TR)
  • ATAP – Anadolu Teknoloji Arastirma Parki A.S. (TR)
  • TalTech – Tallinna Tehnikaülikool (EE)
  • IFR – Institute for Future Research (TR)


  • Road Mapping Strand: Utilize action research and a Conversational AI Tool to facilitate R&I partnerships and cluster building.
  • Future Studies Strand: Provide upskilling programs for R&I Managers and Administrators (RMAs), enabling them to navigate international R&I complexities.

Expected Outcomes:

  • Increased access to industries undergoing digital transformation.
  • Established cross-border R&I synergies and enhanced RMAs skills.
  • A robust portfolio of international R&I projects and enhanced innovation capacity.

Dissemination and Communication Measures:

  • Develop distinct branding, messaging, and digital presence (website and social media).
  • Engage stakeholders through network building and continuous communication.
  • Highlight best practices and position MAPIT as a solution within the WIDERA program.

Expected Changes Post-Project:

  • Enhanced R&I Networks’ access to digital transformation industries.
  • Improved research project management capabilities within academia.
  • Strengthened private sector connections to Innovation Centres, boosting competitiveness.
  • Increased funding opportunities for SMEs, driving economic growth and job creation.

Wider Impacts:

  • Scientific Impact: Accelerated discoveries and improved research quality.
  • Technological Impact: Development of novel technologies and optimized solutions.
  • Economic Impact: Local and national economic growth through commercialization and job creation.
  • Societal Impact: Enhanced community employability and quality of life through new technologies.

Work Plan:

  • Project Management
  • AI Domain Expert Development
  • Road Mapping for Internationalization
  • Future Studies for HR Development
  • Synergies and Dissemination

Overall, MAPIT aims to empower participating entities and foster innovation, collaboration, and sustainability in research and development across Europe.


4 “Digital Transformation and Stakeholder Engagement Workshops” and a “Strategic Planning Workshop” were executed to inform the companies along with industry umbrella organizations, government officials, university research organizations, and SME representatives about the services of METU-DTX and digital transformation strategies, bring the stakeholders in the sector together, and to provide the opportunity to engage them in interactive group events.

A “Final Business Plan Consultation Workshop” and an additional pitching workshop are planned to fine-tune and optimize the business plan that outlines the structure, operations, and objectives of the METU-DTX, and to assist the selection of SMEs through the short-listing of project ideas at the pitching event.


2 DTSS (International Conference and Exhibition on Digital Transformation and Smart Systems) events are planned to provide a platform for sharing information, fostering technology exchange, and establishing professional relationships and collaborations. The first of these conferences will be held with the theme of “Tech for Tomorrow: Machinery, Automative and Manufacturing”.

3 Demo Events are planned to provide practical demonstrations and use cases of digital technologies and solutions to SMEs and entrepreneurs, particularly those in the machinery and automotive sectors.

An Open Industry Day to actively engage existing and potential partners, including beneficiaries from the automotive and machinery sectors, businesses, industrial NGOs, related institutions, and ecosystem participants.

2 Matchmaking Events are planned to facilitate technology user-supplier cooperation, encourage the exchange of ideas, promote innovation, and create awareness of funding opportunities within the automotive and machinery industry.

A Hackathon/Innovation Day event is planned to promote innovation, engage students and young professionals, to facilitate collaborative projects, and to gather feedback and input.


3 national and international visits are planned to expose participants to real-world examples of effective strategies and impactful solutions.

The first visit has been organized to Stuttgart, Karlsruhe, and Aachen cities in Germany.

Awareness Raising Seminars

3 Awareness Raising Seminars executed to introduce METU-DTX, and the consultancy services to be provided to the companies operating in the machinery and automative industries, Open Calls to companies, and processes of “Digital Maturity Assessment”.