
Prof. Dr. Hüsnü DAL
METU, Department of Mechanical Engineering and CAD/CAM Robotics Center, Director

Dr. Hüsnü Dal is Professor at the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Middle East Technical University in Ankara, Türkiye, where he has initiated the Computational Micromechanics Research Group in Spring 2014 and has conducted research funded Turkish National Science Foundation (TUBİTAK), Horizon Europe under Marie-Curie Individual Fellowships, WIDERA; and private funding, e.g. BOSCH GmbH. Dr. Dal obtained his B.S. degree in Civil Engineering from METU in Ankara, Türkiye in 2001, and his M.Sc. degree from the interdisciplinary programme ‘Computational Mechanics of Materials and Structures’ at University of Stuttgart in 2005. He received his Ph.D. degree in Solid Mechanics from Dresden University of Technology, Germany, in 2011. After a short visit to ETH Zurich, He has joined Simulation Technologies Excellence Cluster (SIMTECH) in University of Stuttgart. He has been appointed as a full-time faculty member at METU since 2014. Dr. Dal has co-authored publications in journals such as Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering and Computational Mechanics and has delivered numerous invited presentations at research institutes and universities in Europe. He is the Scientific Research Projects Coordinator at METU since May 2017 and Head of the METU CAD/CAM Robotics Center since January 2023.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Şeyda ERTEKİN
METU, Department of Computer Engineering, Deputy Head of Centre, AI & Big Data Analytics Laboratory Director
METU, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Deputy Head of Centre
Prof. Dr. Gözde AKAR
METU, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering

Dr. Gözde Akar is a Professor at the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering at Middle East Technical University (METU), in Ankara, Türkiye. Prof. Akar received her B.S. degree from METU, M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from Bilkent University all in electrical and electronics engineering. She was with the University of Rochester and Center of Electronic Imaging Systems as a visiting research associate from 1994 to 1996. From 1996 to 1998, she worked as a member of research and technical staff at Xerox Digital Imaging Technology Center, Rochester. From 1998-1999 she was with Baskent University, Dept of Elec. and Electronics Eng. During the summer of 1999, she worked as a visiting researcher at the Multimedia Labs of NJIT. From Sept 2023 to June 2024 she was with Cornell Weill Medicine, Dept. of Radiology, AI lab. Currently, she is a full Professor with the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, METU and METU DTX OCU member. Her research interests are in video processing, embedded system design, mutimodal data analysis, AI in digital transformation. She has been the coordinator/project member of several national and international projects such as NATO SCI 298 RTG, Mobile 3DTV, iClass. She was the DTSS conference co-chair in 2018/2019, member of Program Committee of EI IPAS in 2021/2025, member of organizing committee of ICIP 2022/2024 and MMSP 2026.

Fatih AL
Director of International Projects
Prof. Dr. Erkan ERDİL
METU, Department of Economics, Science and Technology Policies Research Center (METU-TEKPOL), Social Sciences Laboratory Director

Dr. Erkan Erdil is a Professor at the Department of Economics at Middle East Technical University (METU), in Ankara, Türkiye. He studied Political Science and Public Administration at Middle East Technical University. He received Bachelor of Science degree in 1990. In 1990, he started studying Economics at the same university. He received Master of Science degree in 1994. He further received Ph.D. in 2001 from University of Maastricht. He was appointed as instructor in 1997 and as the vice-chairman of the Department of Economics at METU. He was, then appointed as associate professor in 2005 and professor in 2011. He was also the director of Science and Technology Policies Research Center (METU-TEKPOL) between 2002-2017. He served as National Delegate for 7th Framework Programme, Research Potential and Regions of Knowledge between 2007 and 2013. He was also the board member of GLOBELICS (The global network for the economics of learning, innovation, and competence building systems). He is currently board member of ISS (International Schumpeter Society). Moreover, he is the coordinator/researcher of various national and international projects such as H2020, FP7, European Commission, World Bank, ILO, FAO, TUBITAK, Ministry of Science, Technology and Industry, Ministry of Development. He teaches economics of technology, mathematical statistics, econometrics, and technology and work organization courses. His main areas of interest are economics of technology, labor economics, applied econometrics, economics of information and uncertainty. He has been author/co-author, and referee of articles in American Economic Review, Journal of Knowledge Economy, Industrial and Corporate Change, Applied Economics, Applied Economics Letters, Agricultural Economics, METU Studies in Development and presented papers to various international conferences. He is also author/editor of various national and international books.

Prof. Dr. Erhan EREN
METU, Graduate School of Informatics, Information Systems, Co – Director of AR/VR Laboratory and AI & Big Data Analytics Laboratory
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tarkan GÜRBÜZ
METU, Department of Computer Education and Instructional Technology, AR/VR Laboratory Co – Director, Training and Development Director

Dr. Tarkan Gürbüz is an Associate Professor at the department of Computer Education and Instructional Technology (CEIT) of Middle East Technical University (METU) in Ankara, Türkiye. He is also training director of METU-DTX, co-director of METU-DTX AR/VR lab. He is also METU-DTX OCU member, a member of METU BILTIR Center Digital Transformation Platform Coordination Committee, Global Development Learning Network (GDLN) Board of Directors, Turkey Informatics Association (TBD) Executive Industry Board and he also serves as a member of the Scientific and Advisory Board in some institutions. He holds a Ph.D. degree from the department of CEIT, METU, an M.Sc. diploma from the same department and university, and an MBA degree in International Business from MIB Trieste School of Management in Italy, and a B.Sc. degree in Mathematics from METU. His areas of research interest include distance education, e-learning, knowledge management, performance management, innovative next generation learning environments, digital transformation, education and training for industry 4.0, and adult education.

Prof. Dr. Gülser KÖKSAL
METU, Department of Industrial Engineering, Smart Flexible Production Systems, Data Analytics Consultant

Dr. Tarkan Gürbüz is an Associate Professor at the department of Computer Education and Instructional Technology (CEIT) of Middle East Technical University (METU) in Ankara, Türkiye. He is also training director of METU-DTX, co-director of METU-DTX AR/VR lab. He is also METU-DTX OCU member, a member of METU BILTIR Center Digital Transformation Platform Coordination Committee, Global Development Learning Network (GDLN) Board of Directors, Turkey Informatics Association (TBD) Executive Industry Board and he also serves as a member of the Scientific and Advisory Board in some institutions. He holds a Ph.D. degree from the department of CEIT, METU, an M.Sc. diploma from the same department and university, and an MBA degree in International Business from MIB Trieste School of Management in Italy, and a B.Sc. degree in Mathematics from METU. His areas of research interest include distance education, e-learning, knowledge management, performance management, innovative next generation learning environments, digital transformation, education and training for industry 4.0, and adult education.

Cevdet Ahmet KURAL
Director of Quality
Mustafa ÖKSÜZ
Project Engineer
Reşat Yasin ÖZÇELEBİ
Project Engineer
Director of Digital Transformation
Aslı Gülbike ULUYURT
R&D Expert